Monday, September 24, 2007

Will it be the last...

What a meeting...
Last saturday I went home from my office in Tangerang with my motorbike on 5 a.m. and arrived home at 6.30. I went home that early on my own purpose because I hate Friday noon traffic jam although I'm using a motorbike.
After I arrived at home I take a little nap and about 1 hour later suddenly I woke up and rememberred that I have to go to school to have a meeting with my organization (Paskibra, flag raiser troop) members. I arrived at 8 o'clock as promised and I'm so dissapointed because there was no one there except one alumnus. 15 minutes later our tutor came and after that some of alumnuses and 3rd grade seniors came too. We began the meeting at 9 o'clock and our tutor explained about the meeting's purpose. After that she has to go home because she have another things to do.
Other alumnuses appointed me to lead the meeting and I tried my best to do that. But after 10 minutes since I started the discussion, one of alumnus said lot of things that just changed all the direction of discussion. Worst than that, my colleague went up front and started to take over the meeting. Later on I know that was my girlfriend's idea. I know each alumnus have a different way to solve a problem but I just can't agree with the way they gave an opinion and taking over the lead which was appointed to me before. I have to admit that there's a bad habit on alumnus to say an opinion or even an instruction without knowing well the condition before it. That's what sometimes make our 3rd grade seniors confuse or make them feel too guilty. Honestly, I hate that habit...
Well, the meeting was ended with some results that we've planned. After that, we (me and other alumnuses) planned to hold a reunion and, I don't know why, they picked me as a coordinator. I don't mind to be a coordinator but because we're planning to explain about our organization last 3 years condition to other alumnuses, I'm not hoping any negative opinion. If that happen maybe I have to take a rest from this organization and let those people to do something and not only saying lot of things.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sekedar meluruskan aja...
itu bukan ide win salah satu angkatan kk untuk maju ke depan dan ngambil alih semuanya, win cuma ngusulin dia untuk ngerespon tanggapan dari kk satu lagi yang banyak ngomong itu biar gak seenaknya ngomong yang dia belum tau..dan kk bisa nerusin forumnya lagi, karena pada saat itu jadinya yang ada cuma diam aja...
sekali lagi, maaf klo win salah...

11:42 AM  

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